Question 6: Where can the hydrogen refueling be placed?

Answer: The equipment of a hydrogen filling station is located outdoors so that leaked hydrogen cannot accumulate in closed building structures. Some parts of the filling station can be installed in closed spaces, which must be ventilated in accordance with the rules and conditions specified in the Certified Methodology for the Construction and Operation of Compressed Hydrogen Refueling Stations for Mobile Equipment in the technical regulations issued by the Czech Gas Association TPG 304 03. Gas stations must be equipped with automatic valves providing automatic shutdown of hydrogen sources in the event of a hazardous situation. Technological parts of the station must be protected from access by unauthorized persons.

APT, spol. s r. o. developed complexes of hydrogen filling stations, the main components of which are placed in compact, convenient containers. This provides good weather protection for the plant and also simplifies on-site installation and project preparation. An example of such a station, located on the premises of the Institute for Nuclear Research ÚJV Řež, is shown in the photo below. Each container is designed by APT, spol. s r. o. individually, according to the investor’s requirements.


A small hydrogen filling station from APT located in the ÚJV Řež complex. On the front side of the container there is a filling device for vehicles mounted on a conductive surface (two gray metal strips in the lower left part, connected to the station grounding system).